Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Flax seed made easier

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Girls' hair

Inspired by watching B braid KP's hair when KP was about R's age I have been trying to learn.
Her hair is too short for braids but I have had several compliments - even one from her hair-expert big sister.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Salmon fishing in the Yemen

We liked the movie but you'd have to do more than just open a valve or two to get a flood like that!


A drywall patch

This was an afternoon's work in someone's basement after an electrician put in cable for a new stove above.
I could have done the wiring and the patching in a couple of hours but it would have needed a lot less patching.
Dark blue because it's a home theater.


Waking up

She would nap four hours if you let her.
It's a slightly different story at night.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012


Self explanatory


At the zoo

Some will remember the last time I was there with them. Way below freezing on my birthday.


My first wall!

Adding a bedroom to a town-home at the expense of half the sitting-room.



I have tried several times to comment on W's Ikea blog but failed.
I think it was Thesius not Persius btw but then I failed my eleven plus.
They opened the first Ikea store in Colorado recently and people make pilgrimages to spend the day there and come home with car full of furniture to build. Like anything European here their stuff is regarded as quality. When people are selling it used the name Ikea is featured early in the ad - suggesting quality.
I have installed shelves and curtain rails for students who brought them with them from California, where Ikea has been for years, bragging about Ikea before anyone here knew what it was.
It reminds me of MFI - is that still there? Flat pack heavy junk and the brunt of many jokes.
I have been busy building walls, plumbing, fixing sprinklers incase anyone wondered where I was.

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