Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Morning After

OK so the Flatirons came back but away with the clouds went all recollection of my user name and password for this site.

The weather looks nicer today but it is colder.

I have to go for the third attempt to get my Colorado driver's license today.

Thanks for all the comments. Everyone is so impressed that one can set up a website like this. Fact is it is very easy as long as you can remember your name.

Unlike little William I find it easy to exercise every morning but difficult to get into the habit of writing to my computer every morning.

It makes sense though to just write things once and let everybody read it rather than sending numerous emails containing one's "trivial round, the common task"

I have a book to recommend - "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins - especially for my Christian friends.

maybe more tomorrow

Hi Big William,

Your comments gave me a good laugh here just before bedtime in DK - great!
And great pictures too; snow and sunshine is in my opinion a lot better than the Danish autumn with grey clouds, rain and darkness which is now insistingly stealing more and more of the daylight.

Exercising in the morning??? Running for the bus must be sufficient.

That book is on my list already, i will buy some books when we are in England at Christmas.
I used the same username for blogger as I do for my mail. Nothing new to remember there.
If i could exercise whilst at work there would be no problem keeping in shape, if I could only update my blog before work, i suspect it would never have lasted this long...
I can only agree with my sister. I am already looking forward to our skiing holiday in February, which MUST contain some snow and sun.

Love to both of you
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