Monday, December 11, 2006
Another Boring Day in Paradise

If you click on the map it gets bigger!
I can hear the complaints that you can't read the map but it's purpose was to show you how many lakes there are round here - no wonder the crocodiles like it.
Unfortunately we missed the launch because we were driving back from dinner and weren't even sure we would have seen it anyway. So we didn't particularly hurry and then we got lost so the decision was made.
That's about it. I just did my 30 lengths of the massive, warm pool.
Home to the mountains for a brief cool-off tomorrow night.
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Look out for a birthday present from the Danish contingent being delivered by UPS on 13th December. You are welcome to open it before you go away if you wish. You just have to say that you like it...
I now have time to elaborate; you will remember that one note had already gone, and recently another one started to sound flat. A few recitals later and the offending note disapeared. When I looked inside, it was in there, rattling about- the tooth next to the existing one had snapped off. It seems that each tooth has the back hollowed out in an area near the 'root' which is presumably to alter the tone. This leaves an area that is obviously prone to stress, since both missing teeth have snapped off in the same area. \it may be a geomentric effect, or it may be due to the heat input during the grinding process, hardenning the immediate vicinity and reducing ductility. I have actually lookd on line at 'Reuge'- who made the movement, and they only seem to make huge and expensive musical boxes now. The site has some great examples of their stuff though- even some modern music.
I may start an elementary metalurgy (containing mistakes) blog!
What's this about Morocco for Christmas? Elaines brother has just come back from Marrakesh- he liked it but said that their idea of 4 stars on a hotel is not the same as his! Apparently good coffee and cake shops though, so you will be sorted on that front.
Thanks for the jelly Christmas card.
We have been to the hypnotherapist today and I am now able to get Elaine to do whatever I want (as long as what I want is for her to give birth without pain.) All this through touching her shoulder and talking in a stupid voice.... DEEEEPEEERRRRRR, REEELLLLAAAAAXXXXXX
Look into my eyes!
(Second longest comment ever?)
I may start an elementary metalurgy (containing mistakes) blog!
What's this about Morocco for Christmas? Elaines brother has just come back from Marrakesh- he liked it but said that their idea of 4 stars on a hotel is not the same as his! Apparently good coffee and cake shops though, so you will be sorted on that front.
Thanks for the jelly Christmas card.
We have been to the hypnotherapist today and I am now able to get Elaine to do whatever I want (as long as what I want is for her to give birth without pain.) All this through touching her shoulder and talking in a stupid voice.... DEEEEPEEERRRRRR, REEELLLLAAAAAXXXXXX
Look into my eyes!
(Second longest comment ever?)
Look into my eyes, not around the eyes into my eyes, now when I click my fingers you'll fall into a deep sleep....
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