Friday, December 29, 2006
Fed Up With Snow Pics? - Me TOO!
Have a few more!

This on the top of the foot remaining from the last dump!

This on the top of the foot remaining from the last dump!
I am so relieved that I can now say I lived longer than my dad did that I don't mind the weather.
We had planned to go to Flagstaff House for dinner but, like a lot of the rest of Boulder it was closed because nobody could get up the hill to it.
This time the snow was very sticky so, as you can see, a lot of it was able to pile up even on the thinnest branches!
So we had my famous pizza with peperoni, sausage, mozzarella, basil, roasted tomatoes, roasted garlic. Followed by a sweet pizza with fresh blackberries, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. The supermarket I bought them from had no vegetables or fruit just a ton of California berries well the bluebs were from Chile. We drank Argentinian Malbec from Mendoza. So as you can hear, we did not starve!
Here we have an ofshoot of the firescreen, if anybody is still awake!
I want to welcome and thank a couple of my latent (hidden) readers.
Cassie Conlan - Maureen's niece kindly printed some my blogs and showed them to Gloria - Maureen's mom. So when we called Gloria on Christmas day, having told her we would be in Morocco, she was not surprised that we were still at home.
Thanks Cassie for spreading the word beyond us cyber savies!
Thank you all for your cards and gifts.
I will ask William to post some pics here of Timothy and Jeremy, our grandkids, from their family Christmas in England.
Happy Holidays!
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I've put some picttures up on my blog from Christmas, you can use them here too, I can also put up some more of T and J if you want.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Just set up a laundry corner in the garage- with a lino floor. Elaine is thrilled!
We are all OK- although Elaine is struggling with pregnancy related shrtness of breath and not able to walk around much at the moment. Tim is struggling to adapt to not getting his own way all of the time, now that he is not with the grandparents.
Hope that you had a good birthday.
We are all OK- although Elaine is struggling with pregnancy related shrtness of breath and not able to walk around much at the moment. Tim is struggling to adapt to not getting his own way all of the time, now that he is not with the grandparents.
Hope that you had a good birthday.
Tim was delightful at Christmas, as were all of the grandchildren, & he slept well.
What's all this about getting his own way?
Hope you had a good birthday & are enjoying the snow.
Regards, Gill
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What's all this about getting his own way?
Hope you had a good birthday & are enjoying the snow.
Regards, Gill
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