Monday, December 04, 2006


Finally The Fireguard Finale

For those of you who thought this was over-complicating a simple problem remember that this fireplace opening is four feet wide! no room to put the thing if you pick it up and move it to make the fire up.
Prizes will be awarded for the most intelligent and the least intelligent questions arising from this design.
The frame is extruded aluminum (aluminium for the UK) a U section with the steel screen sandwiched between flat aluminum bar held into the U section with machine screws.
The handle is made from an aluminum bar and serves as a retainer when the "door" is up.
The worst part of the job? laying on my back for an hour with my head in the fireplace drilling and tapping the steel angle iron above the opening. I broke several drills and several taps.
By the way how do you like my conversion of the wood-store to take the hi-fi stuff and the TV above?
OK guys let me have it!

How hot does aluminiumiumm need to be to get wonky? are there going to be some bimetalic strip type incidents?
How hot will the handle get?
Wasn't it my idea to do that with the tv and stereo gear?
How is the guard held up?
So many questions...
Hi Big William, I think all of it look really good! Well done! Especially I like the feature of getting the hifi stuff away like that - we are still after 1 year in the new house wondering what to do about it... Hifi and the accompanying furniture is simply horrible.

Best regards,
The fireguard looks pretty neat- I have no questions to ask, it all looks pretty self explanatory. I think that you should add a power raising and lowering function- you are in the USA after all.

Bought a new CD player at the weekend at last- just to join in with Hi-Fi chat. The sound is really good with wooden floors.

Decorating is all done- just putting the bits and pieces back in their places now.

Where is the wood going to live now, or are you going to burn stereo equipment?
I think it's going to melt and get out of shape the first "good" fire you have...
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