Wednesday, January 31, 2007


From Malaya

As we die-hard colonialists call it! This, they claim, is the tallest building in the world but then someone mentions Taipei and they say the tallest TWIN TOWERS in the world. Anyway they look gorgeous all clad in shiny stainless steel like giant Chrysler Buildings. Built in 1997 the architects are from California.
Amazingly this railway station was built in 1910 in the Moorish style but the architect was British.
KL ( as we call it) is a lovely clean town with people of all races, shapes, sizes and colors blending, seemingly, in perfect harmony. Men in tee shirts and jeans with wives covered from head to toe except for their eyes - looking out of a slit like a coastal fortification tower! Sitting with friends who have short skirts and low-cut blouses. Why can't the whole world blend into this kind of agreeable mix?
Food is a blend of Indian, Chinese, Thai, Indonesian and anything you thought you knew about where naan bread and pulau rice and beef rendang came from is probably wrong.
Most of all I love the hot, humid all year round weather.

It all looks and sounds a bit nicer that Bicester at the moment- it's still dark, but looking pretty cold.

Speakers are all re-foamed- looking good and sounding moe like they used to.I understand that they need to be run in now.

New job starts on Monday.

I'm impressed with the blogging from afar. Have fun in the warm weather and don't worry, spring is just around the corner...
It looks really fantastic. Much better than Birmingham at this time of year. Have fun.
Suzie Q.
There was a competition to build the towers - I saw the TV programme.
S Korea beat Japan & USA, I think.
The architect, Pelli, also designed Canary Wharf.
Buy some jade.
Try the Central Market - restaurant upstairs for lunch.
regards g
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