Sunday, January 14, 2007


Special Speaker Response

Reluctant, though I am, to use this blog as a message board there are certain people who only seem to communicate with me this way.
I am delighted to hear from Gill and Ben in any way I can so here is the truth about the speakers.
No Gill they are not the ones I bought at Ullenhall - I think Barry had those and swapped them for some B and W speakers which I swapped with Maurice Wiggins in the early 80's. I swapped them for the amplifier which Ben has.
I bought the speakers from Tandy because no others could handle the power of that amp.
So they are 26 years old.
I suspect you can fix the problem, Ben, simply by replacing the bass drivers - repair maybe an option but with the adjustable crossover in those cabinets you could probaby get a good sound from some similar drivers as long as they fit in the holes!
Shame on you for suspecting Tim's little fingers!
To the rest of my readers I apologise for this esoteric diversion.

Since I have now been 'called' for using this blog as a message board, I will do it once more. It seems that the sponge usually lasts a finite period and can be replaced- as long as the cones are intact- which they are. I may start a blog- bensbigspeakers to detail the repair saga.

I am also struggling to get wall fixings to stay in plasterboard that is on dabs- any solutions?

We could set a really good hi-fi, our Amp is just giving out noise on one chanel and bens speakers are knackered
I was about right with the age, if wrong with everything else.
Perhaps you could start a
Bensbigfixingintoplasterboard blog.
I'm sure that it would elicit an ardent following!
I thought that you could write what you liked on these blogs -is this censorship by stealth?
Here, what do you mean by "the rest of my readers"
We're the only commenters.
Are there others who read & yet don't feel moved to comment?
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