Thursday, February 15, 2007


Balmain Bugs

As the ozzies call them or Morton Bay Bugs as they were called in this KL restaurant. They are small lobster type things and wonderfully tender. They came in the Mason Jar (Kilner Jar to the Brits!) with a lovely broth.
On the Helium thing I believe you can fractionally distil liquid air to get the various inert gases. I feel it only fair to point out that Gill's reference to Noble gases is somewhat esoteric since not everyone knows that she is called Gill Noble (since she divorced me!) hence her joke about the ancient uncle. I believe Gill is actually related to Priestley (the chemist not JB) I think of the phlogiston theory fame.
I have comments from people by email who are always saying how friendly G sounds and "doesn't her husband mind her taling to you like that or doesn't Maureen mind? Fact is, I suspect they don't even know let alone care!

Wrong again!
I took on the rather aristocratic surname when I married George. I actually retained the Millard name for 10 years, whilst not retaining the "Millard".
You were a "Conlan" long before that.
Anyway, enough of the historical bit,you look really scary in that photo, is it intentional?
G ate "bay bugs" nearly every night in Oz but they were served on a plate, no jars.
Where yours still alive in KL & needed "containing"?
We,re not related to J or JB.
Dad claimed descendancy from Wilkinson, the ironmaker(Darby & Wilkinson - Ironbridge).
Who knows?
Like what?
G knows.
G knows everything.
He's a man!*
*A very fine specimen - well worth the effort.
I know but really don't mind (or should that be care?) Can't change history and OOO's of miles and two decades of separation should have allowed most issues to be reconciled. In any event I like to track the activities of ex colleagues! GBN
I know but really don't mind (or should that be care?) Can't change history and OOO's of miles and two decades of separation should have allowed most issues to be reconciled. In any event I like to track the activities of ex colleagues! GBN
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