The falls are like 100 Niagara Falls side by side. Like Niagara they are situated between two countries - Brazil and Argentina. 18 Million litres per second somebody said - enough to impress even C. Eng I suspect.

Almost as
impressive the array and friendliness of butterflies - this one they call the 88 is the most common - some of the 8's match better than others.

When this boring looking one opens its wings it looks like this!

This one was bright blue inside but camera shy.

The boat trip was extremely exciting and also very wetting. It took two 250 horsepower engines to stand still against the current.

This area they call the Devil's Throat - because the Indians saw smoke - the mist from the falls and thought "where there is smoke there is fire and where there is fire there are devils.
# posted by william @ 9:39 AM