Sunday, April 29, 2007


Sunday morNing ride

My first off-road excursion since I fell off and needed several stitches in my elbow!

Not very challenging but very scenic - see the path to the right of the creek?

This is not my photo and there are actually more leaves on the trees now. It was HOT today - 85 or so F.

I changed the apostrophe - just because I could - but would argue it could be in either place! What if there was only one farmer in Boulder?

Anyway I published it from my phone - wearing sunglasses so I could not see what I was typing!

Over to you

Now you need to find some propper off road to try. Welcome back to the world of bikes!
is there only one farmer at the Boulder Farmers' Market then?
Surely she would be well advised to have a farm shop & save on stall rental.
I daren't comment on today's title.
Yeah, what is it with the capital N in the middle of a word?
Very glad to seee that you get out on your new purchase, looks great.
Tim now has a bike- I have nit seen it yet as it was given to hom in Sunderland. I believe that it is a titanium frame with kryptonite wheels and a moon rock saddle! (Probably steel, and despite being small, weighs more that the 'silent bike')
We've bought Tim a virtual bike.
It weighs nothing.
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