Friday, May 11, 2007
Theme for the day Pedals and Petals
Here in my deep purple dreams.

These win the sexiest pedals award - No silly clips for me to worry about - have enough trouble pushing the things round and round without having to worry about aligning each foot precisely before you can start.
Also I don't have to pre-meditate the need to put a foot down. The price of failure being to end up with both rider and bike parallel to the ground still firmly attached to the pedals.
The final feature - which I would think was obvious since pedals were invented is that both sides are the same so you don't have to fiddle around with your feet to get the right side up. A process not unlike picking a lock with a banana!
No I didn't know Selle Italia owned Brooks.
Yes the deliberate errors in titles are to evoke comments. Orthithology is a well known spoonerism here!
The down time was the same on both rides - improvement of THAT requires psychological help rather than physical prowess.
Have a great weekend guys - we are having hot weather at last.
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Theme for Tim's party day - mess, more mess and lots and lots of noise. Throw in George doing some balloon modelling (no he wasn't wearing them) and Tim soaked in the garden from his new water pistol and you could almost have been there - who needs pictures?
P.S. We found 12 helium filled balloons intended for our guests upstairs when everyone had left. Would anyone like one?
P.S. We found 12 helium filled balloons intended for our guests upstairs when everyone had left. Would anyone like one?
I thought that I was the only person who didn't want to be trapped by my pedals.
George thinks that his new ones are too small - I don't think that they are titanium, so probably not worth a mention.
We rode around Maxstoke at 7.00 am on Sat., G did a longer ride early today, before the rain set in.
45 days to go!
George thinks that his new ones are too small - I don't think that they are titanium, so probably not worth a mention.
We rode around Maxstoke at 7.00 am on Sat., G did a longer ride early today, before the rain set in.
45 days to go!
Those colors are incredible. My little garden is thriving with tomatoes, lavender, basil, oregano, cilantro, parsley and thyme.
Wonderful weather but fire season out here, not so cool.
Wonderful weather but fire season out here, not so cool.
I wish we could have been there for Tim's birthday party, sounds very entertaining.
The flowers are truely fantastic, I don't know Di (I think?) but you are welcome to Denmark anytime to make our garden thrive with other than weeds.
The flowers are truely fantastic, I don't know Di (I think?) but you are welcome to Denmark anytime to make our garden thrive with other than weeds.
I'm one of big Wm's friend's in Calif. Thank you for the invite. I'm half-Danish, & have dreams of visiting Denm. some day as I have some info on a couple relatives who were painters during the Danish Golden Age of painting in 1840's or so. Re: a garden .... containers are an excellent way of starting if you haven't tried it already. Might be best for your locale.
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I'm one of big Wm's friend's in Calif. Thank you for the invite. I'm half-Danish, & have dreams of visiting Denm. some day as I have some info on a couple relatives who were painters during the Danish Golden Age of painting in 1840's or so. Re: a garden .... containers are an excellent way of starting if you haven't tried it already. Might be best for your locale.
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