Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Narrative Backbone

My newest reader (that I am aware of) - George Ingram in California - tells me that my blog lacks "narrative backbone" - now is the time I need your support! come on readers tell him where he gets off!

Actually I think it has become rather esoteric in here - on the assumption that only family and friends read it it's easy to assume everybody knows I am big William and there is little William - actually considerably bigger than me.

There is Ben my other son and their wives - Katherine or MK and Elaine or E.

Writing a blog is a bit like lighting a fire and occasionally it burns on it's own - without being fanned or stoked. Like the exchanges between MK and Di. Who have never met but MK has been very close to where Di lives. I get a good feeling watching their fire burn a little. Not that there is any aggression but today I have been staying out of the rain moving boxes as usual.

I am reading "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini who wrote the Kite Runner. E gave me the Kite Runner and I agreed with her high opinion of it. The author is a doctor in San Francisco and the new book seems equally gripping. I will be sending it to E when I have finished it - pretending it is new and unread as usual.

BY the way - George Ingram DID compliment the photography - and he is a very keen accomplished photographer so I am flattered.

While we are feeling pensive I have to confess a couple of things - I did NOT take the lightning photograph and I did NOT write the Relativity poem. I learned it at school when we were learning about relativity.

There was another one about a man with a rapier and something about

There once was a swordsman called Fisk

So swift was his action

The Fitzgerald Contraction

Reduced his rapier to a disc

The Fitzgerald contraction is a phenomenon whereby things get shorter at relativistic (close to the speed of light) speeds.

Is anybody still awake?

Want a picture? - the feet of a reclining Buddha in Malaysia - the feet are about 10 feet wide.
Am I a budding Buddhist?

I agree with George that there is no narrative backbone, but I am not sure that it is lacking! Maybe I need to think about the narrative backbone on my blog, perhaps it has one, perhaps not...
William (little)
I think your blog is becoming quite surreal - I was perplexed by the sudden appearance of Buddha's feet. Having studied Spanish surrealism at university, I can assure you that in order to be truly surreal, you must never have any narrative backbone, so you are well on the way!
I look forward to recieving my next new and unused novel, particularly if it is Khaled Hosseini.
Have you read 'The Memory Keepers Daughter'? - brilliant.

I think you're keeping your eye on what's important, the family & friends across the pond & elsewhere who love you and like to peek inside your life. You enjoy using alot of description and photos, like when a person makes a family album. I don't think it's useful to listen to comments of others who don't share your taste in life (style), clearly the readers who are most important respond well to you. Many blogs out there rant on this relationship or that political or cultural tidbit, and they have another intent, to persuade the reader with their clever writing, but your blog is different and very effective. Little Wm's site is similar to yours, but he has different life events & it moves right along and is enjoyable.

E - There was a great article on Hosseini in the LA Times this morning, his books must be great reads. They're opening many Tesco's in the U.S. this year, not in my area tho. I'm curious, what products do they carry? Ben mentioned while back about Tim's 'childminder,' what is that? What we call a baby-sitter?

Thanks for the positive review.
Tescos in the UK is like safeways in the US, nothing more exciting I am afraid. Just a supermarket.
William (little)
Is William Little a mouse?
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