Friday, July 13, 2007


Another mile-high day

Off to the shops
Looking for rice cakes - Jeremy has already inherited his mother's love of healthy food - he loves cucumbers - eats them like William would eat chocolate

No time to walk - run run run

Flying around the shoe shop

He loves changing rooms - goes in and then

comes out backwards

Under the door

By dinner time we were all rather tired

All of us!

Your photos are so bright & clear! It's cute how you make a story of Jeremy's little skirmishes under the dressing room doors.

I love the trolley.
Being knee-high to a duck gives a different take on life.
I remember being told that Ben could not go into the Ladies changing room at the pool, when he was about 3/4, because he was "capable"
I never knew "of what"
Perhaps it was walking backwards under doors.
An inherited gene!
I still put my underpants on backwards from time to time after I have been swimming- by accident, not as a homage to the early 90's teen band Kris Kros (Who wore their jeans backwards.) I am clearly not even capable now that I am closer to 34!

Glad to see that you are all enjoying yourselves. We are off to Lyme Regis for a week on Friday.

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