Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Big William's Dinner

It's a large seafood buffet restaurant that seats several hundred people and you can sit and eat all night for $26 including sushi of many kinds, cooked meats and fish, MUCH kimchi and many things I don't know what they were.
Not a word of English is spoken and scoring a beer (excellent local brew) was a challenge.
Suddenly while I was eating somebody started talking loudly over the public address system. I thought they were never going to stop and the waitress came to me, speaking Korean and making rectangle signs about the size of a handkerchief - I just shrugged my shoulders. She came back with a small square of paper like a postage stamp with Korean writing and the number 35 on it.
The talking over the speakers continued and I realized it was a raffle - I waved the ticket at the couple on the next table, pointed my fingers in my ears and made circles - trying to imply - which they probably already knew - that I did not understand what the numbers were.
Of course they must have called 35 so they gestured to me to go get the prize and it was a plate of, obviously very special, mushrooms with a small bowl carved from daikon or turnip or something containing some little yellow berries. I ate half the mushrooms (with chopsticks of course) and gave the rest to my neighbours who seemed to really appreciate them. I think they might have been king mushrooms or something.
On a menu earlier in the day I saw the translation quote of the week "cold raw entrails"
Tonight they had "sea squirt sushi" - thoughts of little boys at the seaside?
When I Googled "Muscus" for the pictures it said "did you mean mucus"
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The Asians get confused with their English words over here too alot ... On your menu it says their food is 'well being seafood', are they saying that other restaurants serve food that's not good for you?
That sounds like great fun.
By the way - I think Kimchi sounds very nice.
Thank you for the socks - J loves them, he wanted to wear 2 pairs straight away.
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By the way - I think Kimchi sounds very nice.
Thank you for the socks - J loves them, he wanted to wear 2 pairs straight away.
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