Sunday, November 18, 2007
Weekend in America
Good music on a wintery Pearl Street Mall prior to Japanese lunch on Saturday
Yes believe it that is M!! and there is no car within a mile or so!
The weather is still very mild - 60's Fahrenheit.
Getting ready for the ascent to Mexico City (7,000+ feet) for a few days on Tuesday
For dinner Wiener Schnitzel mit Spaetzle und Zwiebel (spell check suggests I may mean "wobble" it's actually German for onions). I await spelling corrections from the Danes.
Off to the poetry blog now!
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I am impressed, but worried by the lack of snow.
We have just beeked a long weekend in Norway with MKs family for February to get some coldness (temperature wise that is!)
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We have just beeked a long weekend in Norway with MKs family for February to get some coldness (temperature wise that is!)
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