Thursday, June 26, 2008


Twelve Spotted Skimmer

A little research reveals that is what it's called. The wingspan was around three inches - 75 mm or so. It was having a rest on the ground, probably after flying into the newly-cleaned window.

Dragonfly on our front doorstep.

how big is that?
We should do a blog entitled 'moths in the wardrobe' as we discovered a plague of them in all their vile glory last weekend, quite disgusting, and they had eaten our carpet but thankfully no clothes. Does anyone else suffer from medieval infestations?
only in the nether regions

of the house
We have seen quite a few deers around in your neighbourhood when we have been visiting. Do the squirrels still visit in the summer?
We now have an almost finished new pavement. Unfortunately they have not removed the weeds on the south side of the hedge.
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