Friday, October 10, 2008



My wife bore me two fine sons (littlewilliam on the front B on the back)  and this 120 cc Suzuki served for both children and g to learn to ride motorcycles round the garden. g also rode it on the road -  note the L plate on the front fork!
Interestingly none of them rides any more - B had a brief flirtation with two wheels but grew up  and left them behind him.
This was a two stroke like the Bantam but it has an oil tank and injected the oil in with the petrol. The Bantam was just like the old Auto Cycle - when you bought petrol you had to buy oil too and put it in the same tank.

I don't know what is more alarming, my socks or where Ben's hands are!
W Jnr
I was just blaming myself fo W's taste in socks.
I remember only being able to go in straight lines - falling off at the top of the lawn rather than go into the gooseberry bushes.
I thought that the boys rode an ariel three wheeler - surely they were too small to ride this.
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