Friday, October 31, 2008


Winter Plans/old year resolutions.

I have joined 24 Hour Fitness. These are huge clubs open 24/7 and very reasonable - $29 per month and there are 400 of them all over the US which I can use when I travel. 
They have lots of  every fitness machine imaginable as well as classes in all sorts of fitness and yoga.
I need to do something as well as the morning mile in the pool. 
Some company over the long winter months is good too!

You would have been proud of me last week! I have been working hard in Kenya of all places for a few days, but did have the opportunity to 'swim the sun up' in the outdoor pool every morning...memories of Westlake village abounded! What self discipline, I was very proud of myself. The early mornings were just as freezing as at Westlake pool and the rest of the day was just as hot
Bannatynes gym £360 for a year's off-peak membership.
I should be there now rather than blogging, with the TV on.
Any minute now....
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