Saturday, November 08, 2008


Biker Interrupted

After the BSA Combination I actually thought I had grown up and my motorcycling days were over. I did not own any for about a year. I should say, at this point, that I never lost a significant amount of money on any motorcycle I bought and sold.
I bought one of these at a time when W and B could still be strapped into one seat.
This was the first convertible I ever went in  and so began another lifelong love -  or was it an itch.  That itch was finally scratched, never to irritate again when I bought my current convertible.
But this blog is about, for the time being anyway, motorcycles. 
Watch this space for the continuing saga.

Didn't your mother buy this one in order to get you out of motorbikes?
How did we ever afford all of these bikes on a poor teacher's salary?
No wonder we were always hard up.
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