Wednesday, November 05, 2008
This was the third US election for me and I finally picked a winner.
I hope Barack Obama will change the world's image of America and begin to welcome the next generation of electors and elected.
People who, hopefully, do not see the future as something which arises from war and conflict.

We have not only found one but we have elected him.
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He is far and away the best public speaker of any president I have seen (that's not many I know). I am looking forward to seeing what he can deliver, but I am hopeful.
We have put similar photos on our blogs.
Certainly a great orator with a grat deal of support, I look forward to seeing what he can deliver.
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We have put similar photos on our blogs.
Certainly a great orator with a grat deal of support, I look forward to seeing what he can deliver.
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