Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I was worried!

but all they wanted was my USB port! amazing what you can do at home these days!

I have photos but I don't think anybody really wants to see them!
My colon is in perfect condition it seems!

Surely they needed another port for the other end as well! Was it really that colour?
I am utterly amazed, was it some sort of online consultation where you log on to their website, plug in and let the doctor take control?
Was this really a medical procedure?
If so, why do you need it?
How can it be done without some bodily invasion?
Can you leave your colon to the nation, if it is in good nick?
(we only have postal poo checks here, to the same end)
Any port in a sailor
Are you still recovering?
Sounds likely to be a load of S--- to me!
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