Monday, July 20, 2009
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Just to let you know I changed the jacket in Miami, and KP hasn't taken it off since!! The pbc supply ran out this evening ( I write in code as it is a secret vice) and I am kicking myself for not buying some in the US, can you believe I voluntarily bought Hershey's instead of pbc's? I can't believe there is a market for this dreadful chocolate!
Just to let you know I changed the jacket in Miami, and KP hasn't taken it off since!! The pbc supply ran out this evening ( I write in code as it is a secret vice) and I am kicking myself for not buying some in the US, can you believe I voluntarily bought Hershey's instead of pbc's? I can't believe there is a market for this dreadful chocolate!
Hershey's is dreadful, PBCs are great, but given that I am still dieting, I don't want one anyway :-)
I didn't realise you were a closet pbc fan too! I bet a giant pbc could tempt you out of this self imposed chocolate ban!
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