Tuesday, November 03, 2009


1988 Chevy!

This is the one I get to drive all day and no I don't get to take it
home at night.

No comment as we don't know what's happening & so we don't know what to say apart from to wish you well.
First compny car was a chevette........ First company van (except for that old VW) is a Chevvy!

I am not sure why you would think that a 1988 Chevy is something to brag about. But good luck with your new job.
I think what is happening is quite obvious(a new life!) and so all I have to say is that I wish you well, too!
Do you take it to the levee, even if it is dry ?
Age showing, me and the van. j
Is 1988 the new starting point?
A week with no blog....
mmmmmm.................... what next?
A pause of some sort?
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