Friday, March 19, 2010
Ditchwater Dishwater
Dull as ditchwater, as I said, is the English version.
My mother always said "dull as ditchwater" it is in the Dictionary of English Idioms.
Dull as dishwater is in the American dictionary of Idioms and not the English one.
I suspect, however, that readers find this even more boring than the length of my morning swim.
(incidentally - today I didn't swim because I didn't feel like shoveling snow in the dark before I could get to the pool)
Some people talk about their breakfasts (or used to) some about their cycle riding, some about taking church services, bonfires, babysitting and cleaning houses. What is the point of criticizing how others spend their lives?
Like books, tv shows and newspapers, pick up and read the ones you like. I read all the family blogs and mostly enjoy the photographs.
Readers are duly warned that there will be a lot of baby pictures on this blog soon.
The blogger has the power to delete comments but the commenters do not. It is too easy to delete comments one doesn't like. Much better to leave them there in the face of the person who wrote them. Of course they would never admit to regretting them but I suspect they do. There is always the hope of some words of support too.
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If you must blog boring mundane stuff - some call it news, then expect few/no comments. Contentious or offbeat content seems much more likely to prompt positive or amusing comment. However when you use this public method and you choose to provoke or prod (perhaps by flaunting) then you should not be surprised that this may elicit a negative comment or three from those who may disapprove or have been spurned or hurt along the way.
Count yourself lucky you still have some followers, at least it shows some interest.
A Nonny Mouse
Count yourself lucky you still have some followers, at least it shows some interest.
A Nonny Mouse
Weird and offbeat material does seem to elicit more amusing comments.
Does it really matter if it is Ditch or Dish? Either way, it's yucky.
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Does it really matter if it is Ditch or Dish? Either way, it's yucky.
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