Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Big William's Breakfast

No surprise to anyone who has breakfasted with me but there is a new kid on the blog with a breakfast theme.
I was unsure who it was at first - thought it was a sarcastic dig at my endless boring flower pictures but little William clarified it.
I'll put a link to it on the side of my blog
So good to hear news of KP and T from E. The sooner T becomes one of what his uncle William refers to as the "literate male Millards" and can post his pictures the better. We need pics of T and KP!

Monday, July 30, 2007


Sons and Daughters in law

I have two of each! and now I need to see the English set! What is this Bens breakfast blog?
When can KP, B, T and E come over here? Who knows where "here" will be?
We are saving air miles for you already! - China next month should help!
On behalf of my readers I demand up-to-date pictures of Timothy and Katie Poppy with their parents!


J's Crocs


"Wild flowers"

Rocky mountain flowers - not "wild" in the true sense but certainly wild in some sense

Hydrangeas from the garden above
Gladioli from the Farmers' Market

More glads

The biggests sunflowers ever - remember how high the fireguard is? - I told you enough times when I was building it! - 35 inches - around a metre!
Weather is a little cooler since the family left - still warm and sunny.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Pink is for ME!

I tried out my new pink jersey which W,K and J bought me from Moots last week. Can you believe it is extra-large? - I want everybody to comment "no"
Note how well the socks match - I have had them for years.
Weather has cooled off a bit so the ride through the mountains was most enjoyable.
Still missing the family a lot.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


The Lonliness of the Long Distance Grandad

"All the instruments agree" to quote Auden (I think)
When they were gone
Twas a grey day.

I left them in sunshine at the airport - Jeremy not wanting to leave without me.
The sun covered itself as I drove home
and did not rise this morning
merely changing the color of the sky
Now only memories of walks, wildflowers,

and picnics
No instructions needed for nibbling sweetcorn

K carried J on our last walk - it was about five miles and we estimated K was carrying 25% of her own weight on her back.
J's reaction was the same as when W carries him - sleep sleep sleep.
A great walk marked the end of two glorious weeks of company, weather, walking, swimming, riding and eating.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Multimedia message

Last hiking day this visit


Multimedia message

Monday, July 23, 2007


Daughters in law

The great thing about having two sons is that they search and bring home these perfect young women who are attractive and make one's sons happy.

If that wasn't good enough they make wonderful babies featuring the best of themselves and my sons - with just a hint of me in them!
Hiking (and some of us sleeping) in the foothills
With a healthy lunch at the top
and a Vietnamese dinner in the evening

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


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Multimedia message


Still too busy too blog

But here are a few more pics of Jeremy to "tide you over" - getting soaked after dinner
Charming everyone in the Tapas bar - especially young waitresses!
Fishing in the fountain
Shopping for lunch with my own cart
Chuck e cheese - not as good as the one in California and J did not enjoy it like Tim did
A new trick learned after dinner - hanging by our arms
And so to bed - perchance to sleep.

Monday, July 16, 2007


No time for blogging!

Climbing to the Royal Arch
Too busy climbing the flatirons

and buying " Crocs" - which were invented in Boulder by the way!

Saturday, July 14, 2007


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Multimedia message


Multimedia message


Friday, July 13, 2007


Another mile-high day

Off to the shops
Looking for rice cakes - Jeremy has already inherited his mother's love of healthy food - he loves cucumbers - eats them like William would eat chocolate

No time to walk - run run run

Flying around the shoe shop

He loves changing rooms - goes in and then

comes out backwards

Under the door

By dinner time we were all rather tired

All of us!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Waiting over

Everyone is fine - Jeremy took us shopping

So far we have slept, swum, shopped and eaten.

I will let you know what happens today

We got back to the house at 2.15am - a new technique from Eurpeans whereby they inflict a similar jetlag on their hosts!

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