Wednesday, April 30, 2008


downstairs lawn

another reason for the push mower is that there isn't much grass. I guess I am really just jealous that littlewilliams mower is a nice color.

Incidentally here this type of mower is called a reel mower. In England a cylinder mower.


The mower

I don't especially love - note the broken plastic rollers. I am,
however, glad I let Littlewilliam persuade me to buy it when one with
an engine cost no more, because of the steps in the next picure I
post, which to you will be the previous picture. Funny thing about
The dead patch? do I hear you ask? That has taught me that when the bag says "Use an applicator set to ??" DON'T just spread it out by the handful! even if it is starting to rain!
Your gardening tip for the day from the Constant Gardener.


Force feeding myself

Dinner alone again - TWO tomatoes, smoked mackerel (not me - the fish)
And a ton of raw baby spinnach. All the results of reading Omnivore's
Also the fear of prostate cancer! (tomatoes, which I rarely eat,
might help prevent it I read)
Latest weather predicts 40 F drop in temp. tomorrow. Can't wait!


No new bike

But new toys for the old bike!
No 24 hour races but more comfort on my two hour sorties.


On the way for my haircut

I saw blooming Pearl Street Mall.

My walk got me thinking about little Williams list of 

Brown paper packages tied up with string

Dew drops up noses and bright copper kettles

Schnitzle with noodles.

I will start with areas I don't agree with him.

I have one of those fountain pens and it fails my basic test for pens.

If you don't exercise it daily, like a dog, it won't write. With this requirement I have, reluctantly, found that Ball Pens Rule!

I have a push mower - it gives me the same feeling as my iron - but at least is is over faster than ironing.

I love my Moots Bicycle - look back a day or a year for photos - it is the epitome of perfect workmanship - I enjoy looking at it as much, or maybe more, than riding it.

The ride up Flagstaff Mountain and down took around an hour in total by the way. I can improve on that. While it is 80F today it promises to drop 30 degrees 15 C by tomorrow with some snow so it may be a day or so before I make another attempt on the ascent.

I love all three motorcycles - really should get rid of one but they all satisfy a different part of me.

Love the Beemer car - but then so do most other people.

I make no attempt to justify this materialism here but I hope my lifestyle and blogging generally indicate that I love the best things in life that are free too.


Summer Plumage

Which M will say is WAY too short!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008



Are chosen!


Phew are chosen!


Happy Hummingbird Story

Last evening (hence the rather dark photo) This hummingbird hit the window and stunned itself. I found it laying on it's side with its wings out but I could see it was still breathing. I have never seen one without its wings beating before. The wings are surprisingly small relative to the body.

I took its photo and then watched as it successfully turned onto its feet and folded its wings up.

It stood there for a long time but I was delighted to see that it had gone when I came back later.

These birds seem so special but are quite common here. They live on the nectar from flowers, usually red flowers, which they lick with a long thin tongue inside that long thin beak. 

The statistics on their metabolic rate, how much of this food they need and how much of their day they spend getting it, with never a rest from using the wings to hover, are amazing. 

They have iridescent red and green plumage and there are several different types and colors.

I did my mile swim this morning now I will attempt the Flagstaff Mountain by Moots.



Just to give you an idea how small they are - the hummingbird is the dot in the middle - about the size of the last joint of my thumb. 

To my delight, when I came back later it had gone.


Ten Bulbs

36 flowers


The Constant Gardener

It seems you only get blue underlined if you insert the text before the picture!

Here is the current centerpiece of the garden still - the tulips I planted about 16 months ago each produced one huge flower last year. This year, having left them to die and reformulate their bulbs each plant has produced three or four slightly smaller flowers. This is actually better because the bells of the flowers have to tolerate being filled with snow several times in their lives and smaller shorter flowers withstand it better.




Twins and Quads

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Trusty twentysixer

Over the top of Poorman Road 2,500 meters! (don't ask the starting


Club Feet

Those who have Wiki'd this subject following W and MK's announcement will have seen the list of various famous people who were born with Club Feet.
Among them Dudley more and it says Christi Yamaguchi the Olympic Gold Medal Skater "is said to have been born with club feet" well she  is on "Dancing With The Stars" getting top marks every week on TV and in the last episode she is learning a new routine and tells her teacher that she can not "do that" with her feet because she was born with club feet. Some photos of her as a baby with casts on her feet were then shown.
My point in mentioning this is that nobody could have made much more of a successful career using her legs/feet than her. Here is a U-Tube of it if it works you should be able to click on it and watch it! You may have to copy and paste the address.
I predict this little boy will be able to out-cycle his dad, grandad and brother Jeremy some day.


Spring Clean-up

Those who know me will know how much time I love to spend in the garden. Those who really know me know when I am being sarcastic and also how I love double meanings.

I have no idea why this is blue and underlined!

Once a year in Boulder everybody piles up their broken branches, prunings, leaves and general garden detritus and the city sends a truck round to pick it all up.

Our house fronts onto one road and backs onto a different one so I have taken the liberty of making three heaps. This is the conclusion of a seven-day-week of hard work.


All along the street you  can see piles of sticks. They will be made into mulch and given away to those who want it.


The last of my three heaps!


Name this plant?

not the hyacinth!

It looks a bit like a crocus but is more of a bush with more pointed petals


Lenten Rose

Nothing like a rose and too late for Lent  but it blooms faithful and beautiful every year

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Boulder than you think!

The latest view of the Tulips. The comment in the profile about "without pictures" was meant for the poetry blog awheywithwords.  I can't just figure out how to change it at the moment or for a lot of recent moment.

I have changed to a Mac computer - which, I have to say, I really like - it just does the job - faster, smarter and less nonsense about "are you sure you want to ---" "do you want to tell Microsoft about it?" "your security subscription has expired" "please wait will your Intel Core Duo microprocessor chases it's tail for five minutes and then restart your computer" 

I will, doubtless bore you with more details about why Apple is the way to go. I know some readers use them already.

Little William is finally liking Italy and Gill doesn't want to pay for parking when she shops. On this line of thought I am pleased with Boulder today:

The day I posted pictures of sushi and somebody elses sushi I went back to my car only to find a $50 parking ticket. Boulder has recently changed from Parking Meters to a parking ticket machine (solar powered of course, this being Boulder - which signed the Kyoto Protocol)

I had paid the right amount up till 7pm after which you don't have to pay. I looked at the ticket and it was for "invalid plates" after a minute I realized my "tags" - little stickers you put on your licence plates (number plates to the Brits and the tags are your tax disc equivalent) - anyway they ran out in January.

The thing is the  parking guy has to look around the car to see if I had paid for my parking and noticed my expired plates and he is authorized to give a ticket for an unregistered vehicle.

I was going to San Diego early the following morning so I had to dash to the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) at opening time 8am the following morning to renew the tags - which I did. Then I went to pay the parking fine - at the courthouse - which also opens at 8 am EXCEPT on he second Friday of the month - which of course it was.

I finally went to pay the fine yesterday because after 14 days the $50 fine becomes $65 - I took my proof of having renewed the tags just in case it was needed and I also took my original parking receipt to show I had paid for my parking. I was polite to the person and showed her the various documents and to my amazement she said I can void this charge since you renewed your tags but I can only do it once for the life of your plates. So I did not have to pay the fine.

Apparently the reminder they sent in the mail and I never received is "only a courtesy"

Anyway it is one of the few nice things I have experienced in US bureaucracy.


Sunday, April 20, 2008


Latest on the tulip bed

Still sulking about the "photograph album" comment.
Blame it on the iPhone - so easy for blogging.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


More for the album!

I can't believe that anyone really wants to read about my version of  "the trivial round the common task" 

Yesterday I got out of bed in San Diego - today in Boulder Colorado some 1,600 metres higher and 25 Celsius degrees colder. I swam a mile, cleaned the house from side to side (it is a single storey story). Fetched the mail from the post office, went to the drycleaners, did some shopping. Put out the garbage bins (today is "mixed paper" collection day)

Now I have to decide which poem to read at a "poetry open mike" tonight.

Aren't you all glad to know this?

tulips with snow in their mouths.

Last year each bulb was one big flower, this year they have each produced three or four smaller flowers - shorter and therefore stronger when full of snow.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008






Lots had folding wings




Hedge in San Diego

In the middle of town




Tuesday, April 15, 2008



I was kidding!

About the ducati! Now I am pretending I own this Norton.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Time for a new two-wheeler?


Lusted after this

In a supermarket, underground parking lot. I am pretty sure most of
the best classic cars in the world are in California.



And all at once I saw

A scurry of Segways - not in a poem but on the sidewalk!
I remember renting one and loving it!
But $4000 ? Expensive fun


The Largest Outdoor Pipe Organ

In the world. This was my fourth visit to the free one hour concert on
Sundays. 4,500 pipes from pencil size to 10 meters long. I never
needed a sun shade before! Umbrella yes but it was 90 F today 32 C


La Jolla California

One of my top five places on earth.
Pronounced La hoya!

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Rooftop Pool

Warm sun - what else could you want?
Answers on a postcard please (UK joke)

Friday, April 11, 2008


The big Pacific Ocean

Where the sun sets in the west
La Jolla, California


Bottle Brush Trees


In San Diego

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Somebody else's dinner

(japanese people) They said it's the best Sushi in Colorado.



Found fantastic fish in Boulder.
I mean sushi but couldn't resist the alliteration.
They say the incomprehensible japanese words when you walk in and they
give you the wet towel to clean your hands (sushi is finger food mostly)
Sushi Tora!


Even better than Husman's Vinstu!

And its comprimentary!
They say its salmon ribs - it certainly has a lot of bones but the
most fabulous smokey, warm, tender, tasty, salmon ever.


We'll Gather Lilacs in the Spring Again.

a song my mother used to sing - but this new little lilac, amid the cryoscopically preserved tulips,  is not quite ready yet!

Since the love-affair with the iPhone started I have become an Apple addict and now have a Mac book computer to work on. I just love it - it does everything the PC does but it works - no stupid time-wasting messages or waiting while you watch it chase its tail.

Going to San Diego California tomorrow for a few days - temperatures in the 70's - I guess 20s in Celsius.  For those who don't know it is the very southern tip of California on the border with Mexico. I may take a walk into Tijuana Mexico but last time all it seemed to offer was drugs - prescription only  in the US but over the counter there.


Loveliest of Tress the Cherry Now

Not quite what A E Houseman had in mind but there IS blossom under the snow - and he lived in Shropshire not the Rocky Mountains. I think you will find the poem from "The Shropshire Lad" in last years awheywithwords. Houseman actually worked as a farmer I believe.


It Only Sticks in Certain Places!

Monday, April 07, 2008


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