Thursday, March 29, 2007
Only Toucan play

Pictures specially for Jeremy Millard
When its Springtime in the Rockies

Sung to the tune of "when its springtime in the
What a lovely surprise to wake up to this morning!
I guess it will prepare us for the cold and damp of England next week!
Can't wait to meet Katie Poppy! I promise you a lot of photos but maybe not till I get back.
Thank you Di, a friend of mine for some years, for proving that there was some interest in the music I used for my song!
Interesting that Di lives in the San Fernando Valley in LA - nobody from England even mentioned the song.
The duet Flanders and Swan made a song called "The Gas Man Cometh" and also used that tune. - does that spark any interest? chorus "Oh it all makes work for the working man to do"
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
By Popular (slightly) demand

And so it goes on with a verse for each day of the week like Soloman Grundy.
As a matter of interest I never liked the song nor met anyone else who did.
Twas on a Monday Morning,When I beheld my darling;She looked so neat and charmingIn every high degree;She looked so neat and nimble, O,A-washing of her linen, O,Dashing away with the smoothing iron,Dashing away with the smoothing iron,She stole my heart away.Twas on a Tuesday Morning,When I beheld my darling;She looked so neat and charmingIn every high degree;She looked so neat and nimble, O,A-hanging her linen, O,Dashing away with the smoothing iron,Dashing away with the smoothing iron,She stole my heart away.Wednesday - "A-starching of her linen,O"Thursday - "A-ironing of her linen, O"Friday - "A-folding of her linen-O"Saturday - "A-airing of her linen-O"Sunday - "A-wearing of her linen-O"
Meanwhile back up the Amazon

Iguana in repose

Toucans with green beaks! - why didn't Guiness use this one?

There are PINK dolphins! not in captivity and as you can see very friendly!
Monday, March 26, 2007
When Once I was a-blogging o

The following to be sung to the tune of "dashing away with a smoothing iron" which is one of the few folk songs from the midlands of England. I can't write music but the diligent among you will probably be able to hear it on the web somewhere.
When once I was a blogging o
I saw a bird so pretty o
I had to get my birdbook out
To find out what it was.
It looked so pink and regal
a nibbling at the feeder o
and then the book it told me o
the name a mere "house finch"
By the way I really did see this bird when I was writing that boring blog this morning. It obviously, correctly felt that I needed "brightening up"
Tulip Update

Don't ask about the Ballet! - Two nights each with three short programs - I only really enjoyed one of the six programs!
Had some great dinners though and it's nice for us country types to go to a real city occasionally!
The plane photo was just to show I was at the airport - that was not the plane we went on silly!
The tulip bed looks as if the next color on display will be purple - probably when we are in England next week!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Multimedia message

Coming Home
Multimedia message

Multimedia message

San Francisco Bay Bridge
Friday, March 23, 2007
Weekend Culture

San Francisco Ballet - two nights in a row! am I cultured or what?
I am sure there will be some answers to that question!
I will endeavour to post some San Fran pictures from my phone.
Looking forward a lot to seeing California again!
Are you guys fed up with the Amazon or not? I have lots more pictures but I don't want to bore you more than I already have!
Wait till you see the tulips next week!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Buddha's Return
Buddha has now been secured to the wall with a stainless steel screw hidden behind her left ear.

You can see the dangerous proximity of the bedroom door - which we had left open with only the screen between me and the monster who knocked Buddha over.

She (they are always too cute to be men) sustained a bruised nose

and a contused wound to the neck when she
somersaulted over the brick wall - you can see the brick dust in the wound

Trials with ordinary plasters (that's what the Brits call band aids)

She felt happier with the purple ones

A complete recovery (of Buddha) is expected in a couple of days. What about William you ask?
I don't think there is any hope of HIS recovery.
I can imagine the daughters' in law saying "your dad is losing it!"
I an imagine Lorraine saying the the apostrophe is in the wrong place! Lynn Truss too probably.

The fallen Buddha seems to have promoted the first flowers on all those tulips I planted last autumn (fall for the yanks)
Good news that Gore may run for President in 08 good news because he proved he could win before and is a plausible candidate unlike the other two.
Oops how did that political comment get in? - I know I have some republican readers too!
Things That go Bump

In the night! - Buddha decided to become a reclining Buddha in the middle of the night (it/she used to sit on the wall!). Who knows what caused this life changing, human awakening event. There are bears, deer, pumas here. Right outside the bedroom patio door - which was open!
You HAVE to be excited about that even if the waterfalls didn't exactly wash you away!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Iguazu falls the Sunday before!

The falls are like 100 Niagara Falls side by side. Like Niagara they are situated between two countries - Brazil and Argentina. 18 Million litres per second somebody said - enough to impress even C. Eng I suspect.

Almost as
impressive the array and friendliness of butterflies - this one they call the 88 is the most common - some of the 8's match better than others.

When this boring looking one opens its wings it looks like this!

This one was bright blue inside but camera shy.

The boat trip was extremely exciting and also very wetting. It took two 250 horsepower engines to stand still against the current.

This area they call the Devil's Throat - because the Indians saw smoke - the mist from the falls and thought "where there is smoke there is fire and where there is fire there are devils.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Multimedia message

Boulder Falls Sunday
Portuguese lesson
But first - this tarantula was bigger then your hand! living in a hole in the bottom of a tree. Piro (the face painter) poked a long stick in the hole and out it came.
Oops the tarantula escaped - check it is not under your keyboard!

Very nervous about getting into languages with several readers fluent in other languages.
Took a few Portuguese lessons on the ship it looks like someone who couldn't hear or spell very well took notes on Spanish and called it Portuguese.
If you didn't know - All of South America except Brazil speaks Spanish - but Brazil speaks Portuguese. Well the Guiana's speak Dutch, English and French of course.
I can't remember much but here are a few interesting bits.
Ola sounds the same as Spanish, good morning is Bom Dia pronounced "bom jea" looks like bon dia which, I think is Castillian/Spanish, but sounds nothing like it.
A man says Obrigado for "thank you" but a woman says Obrigada. It doesn't matter whom you are talking TO. Sometimes abbreviated to "brigada" or "brigado"
Ok that is about all I can remember but it is very difficult to understand when you hear it.
I await ridiculing comments from my learned Spanish speaking daughter-in-law.
Enough about the guy behind me!

Here I am again! the thing about cruises, even just 4 day ones, is that the average age is high.
I don't know what the fat geezer was wearing.
Friday, March 16, 2007

At least that I got on the horse! I actually rode for an hour and enjoyed it a lot. I haven't ridden a horse since Saturday mornings with W and B aged about 12 in Tamworth. You can click on the photos to enlarge them - is that because they are bigger files or could one always do it?
I guess from the comments that nobody is interested in Geography lessons so I will revert to personal-scrapbook-mode. Not that anybody reads blogs over the weekend.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
War Paint

from the berries of a tree being applied by Piro who's dad used to take him into the jungle and show him which plant and insects you could eat. He took us for a walk in the jungle and poked a tarantula bigger than his hand out of it's hole in the bottom of a tree. He also cut open a termites nest and ate the eggs as well as disturbing an ants nest and getting them all over both arms and rubbing them in. He said it makes you less visible to the animals.
This took place in an Indian village where we met the chief and where they ran their generator once a week for those who had televisions. They typically had 10 children per family and seemed healthy and happy. They spoke fluent Portugese as well as their own language. The Chief's deputy, who is only 14 also spoke some English
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Geography Lesson
we flew to
Bueanos Aires and then to
Sau Paulo then
Manaus is about 2000 miles up the Amazon where two rivers meet to form the Amazon it is a dump - a relic of the rubber boom 100+ years ago before the
brits took seeds and grew the trees in Malaya. It has a fancy opera house from that time but besides that just a lot of industry - car factories
honda motorcycle factories and a lot of electronics factories. You can click on this map I just discovered so you can check my spelling mistakes of place names if you want.

We spent four days on a small cruise ship (50 passengers) we just went up the Rio Negro - Black because of it's chemical make-up. Actually the water is just light brown if you put it in a bottle but the river really looks black. It has a pH of 4.6 which the chemists among you will know is pretty acidic.
One of the first things they did on the boat was to show a map of the Amazon Basin - like I showed you yesterday and put the countries of Europe on it one at a time to show that there was room for all the countries and room for some space between so it is HUGE!
Brazil is, of course, even bigger and the population is 180 million. Argentina is only 40 million and struggling to stay at that.
The river is full of piranha fish, crocodiles, fabulous plants, trees full of parrots, toucans, monkeys and snakes.
I was always scared of the jungle. Remember in 1984 where they had to be subjected to the thing they feared most? Winston (I think that was his name) was put with rats. Well I would have said the jungle but now I do not fear it - it is a calm tranquil place and in order to see any animals you have to try pretty hard and go at the right time of day. I have plenty of photos but haven't sorted them out yet.
Sorry if all that was boring - I will try to show you some photos of it all very soon.
We all need photos of Katie! perhaps if a few readers nag Ben and Elaine with comments here we will get some!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The Blog LIVES!

After a week in the more remote areas of the Amazon where some of the villages have electricity only once a week to watch tv and have a party - internet and cellphone connectivity does not exist.
I am giving, through this quick entry, the kiss of live to the blog. It may be a day or two before the daily scintilations resume but resume they will.
I have lots to tell and show you all.
I am home and there are no leaks, the sun is shining and the snow has all-but gone.
I still love you all!
Friday, March 02, 2007
Takes Two to -----

Tonight is Tango night! watching it at least.
I look at it as magic and I think if I ever even began to understand it the magic would be lost. Like dissecting a flower or slitting a song-bird's throat.
I just see people flying above the ground and dissolving into each other.
Originally danced by two men while waiting at brothels, the Tango was sanitized into acceptability in Paris, so I just read. There are shows all over town where you have dinner, drinks and then see tango dancing.
There has been a revival in young people's interest in Tango since I was here five years ago and it is great to see young musicians and dancers instead of baby-boomers.
My next poem will be about the wrinkly, withering surface on everything, television, industry, politics provided by baby-boomers who just refuse to die.
Key to the music is the bandonien - the large squeeze-box in the first picture. It comes in various sizes and is bounced on the knee sometimes, while playing, to accentuate the rhythm.
All magic to me. Like galloping on a horse!
Kathrine is right it is quite smooth, at least for the rider but as to it being "not as difficult as it looks" I will defer to my " magic theory" again since both galloping and tango are both things I will never do.
So glad to get a comment from Cassie in New Jersey - welcome to the board of cynics here!
One reader I can imagine doing tango is Lorraine - one of my New York readers - whom also does not write public comments (and is probably thinking he means who not whom! since she is an English pedant)
Anyway she is slim and blond and cute and I can imagine her dancing tango.
Katherine I can imagine on a horse but somehow not dancing tango especially not with little William - who has all MY (in)aptitude for dance I fear!