Monday, October 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Jeremy
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Sunday Dinner
The Cholesterol Wars!
Since this seems to be "Venting Sunday" in this family's portion of blogworld
I am almost 59 and, after spending most of my life avoiding exercise, I have swum a mile almost every day since I was 50 and today I cycled 10 miles as well. That is around 2 or 3 thousand miles.
I weigh within a few pounds of my weight at age 18
My cholesterol was fine until two years ago - when it rose a lot - with no change in diet. So I did change my diet an reduced cholesterol intake as much as I could. Resulting in no change. My doctor strongly suggested I take Lipitor ( the most widlely used Statin drug) every day and doing so has reduced my cholesterol to an acceptable level. I also had a heart scan for cardio-calcium ( an indicator for heart attacks) - which, despite my other numerous heart attack risk factors (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, over 50 and male) is at a low level.
Famous last words suggest my blood lipids (fatty stuff and tri-glycerides etc.) are in good shape. I am staying out of the inter-necine feud about Danish taxes!- I don't want to have a heart attack but after this outburst I will probably have one tonight or tomorrow.
Stay tuned for tonight's menu - coming soon to this blog!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Followed by --- Sage Ice Cream
Freezing in the ice-cream maker.
Sage is the most exotic flavor to me - it had a lot of heavy cream and egg yolks in it too! - very good after the Strata.
By the way how many times have you seen Marie Osmond faint? I am claiming 24 times!
Sausage Strata Recipe
Sausage Strata[Recipe Serves 6-8]
Ingredients:3 whole eggs5 egg yolks1 pint whole milk1 pint heavy cream1 1/2 lb sausage meat (out of casing)8 slices of rustic white bread1 1/2 cup gruyere cheese-- grated2 hand full fresh spinach Salt and pepper.Large gratin dish
Instructions:Take the sausage meat and cook in a sauté pan until cooked.Mix together eggs, yolks, cream and milk in a bowl. Season with a little salt and pepper. Next, take the gratin dish and start to layer the bread, sausage, spinach and cheese (like you would for lasagna), keeping some cheese for sprinkling over the top.When you have layered every thing together, pour over the custard and sprinkle the remaining cheese on top. Leave to stand for at least one hour or over night.Cover with foil and bake in 350º oven for about 1 hour. Check to see that the center is cooked and the custard is set.Just before serving, put the strata under a broiler until brown. Watch closely so that it does not burn.
INFO@THEKITCHENCAFE.COM 1039 PEARL STREET, BOULDER CO 80302 PH:303-544-5973 FX:303-544-0092
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bear Essentials

However the contents were all down the street and the bin was empty lid closed, with deep claw marks all over it.
I am told they are very hungry at this time of year but I have not managed to see one yet.
I think it knocked the bin over then pulled the lid open, stood on it to keep it open while it pulled the bags out then let the lid close and tore open all the bags. What a mess!
Girth hath not anything to show more fair!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Multimedia message
Fall continues
This is an Aspen Tree - common in Colorado and the ski town of Aspen is named after it.
This particular one has the normal small, turning gold in autumn leaves up to a certain height but then the leaves become four times larger!
Can anyone explain this? the top was pruned in spring to keep it out of the gutters - is this relevant?
Diary of a Loser
How about we start a blog - we could declare our weights daily or weekly, or, as I used to organize in my workplace in Pennsylvania we could just declare how much weight we had lost or gained.
The really overweight ones thought we would never know how heavy they were as long as they didn't tell us.
This could just be a few columns of numbers or maybe one of the more cyber savvy readers could set up a graph for us each to add our symbol to. I used to use colored pins.
I think this would encourage somewhat more careful eating.
What do y'all think?
Monday, October 22, 2007
Flagstaff in the Snow!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Life's Layers
We are the water of life
Shaken with the sands of time
Layers ascribed, baby, child, teenager,
Adult, middle age, old age
Settle respectively
You never know
Or, at least admit,
Which layer you are in
Blending and separation of the layers is perfect
With the uniqueness of fingerprints
Only time achieves deliniaton.
Think flow downhill
Think lake sit still
Think pump uphill
Think mountains shrink
Think rain come down
Think plants grow tall
Think browning grass
Think leaves in fall
Think tidal flow
Think windmill blow
Think energy grow
Boulder Buddha Weekend Report
Leaves are still mostly on the trees but looking very different.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Penultimate Farmer's Market
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Last ROSE of Summer
(click on the photos to enlarge them)
No snow here yet but they had a "chain law" in force in Vail today - means you can't drive there without snow chains.
Monday, October 15, 2007
The Heat is On!
Sorry for the recent paucity of blogs but my time has been fully occupied reading my ex-wife's blog. Much of the wit and innuendo is lost on me - sometimes even when it is directed at me.
Great photos Gill.
I did not realize until MK's comment that I had posted pansies in poetry - quite poetic in itself really. As usual the poems are skillfully outshone by "j" with her instant brilliance.
My visit to B, E, T and KP and my guest posting there seem to have killed that blog stone-dead!
I hope it is not really my fault!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Ski News

As you can see I had some fun there this afternoon (telling lies!)
Sunday, October 07, 2007
I Stand Accused!
We had several days in the high 20's C - 80's F and today was supposed to be cold with rain and snow.
We have blue skies and sunshine with temps in the 50's - no complaints yet.
Can't stop eating the Thorntons Toffee that B,E, T and KP gave M for her birthday - its wasted on Americans I think! - It seems softer than it used to be - more like caramel (pronounced "carmel" as in Mount Carmel here in the US)
Rode my bike neath long shadows down Boulder Creek, up Formile Canyon, Poorman Road and back down Sunshine Canyon yesterday - managed it without stopping but speeds were as low as 2.9 mph on the steep bits and up to 40 on the downhill.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Watch Out!
The one on the right is also Swiss but the case is made from Tungsten Carbide - very difficult to scratch - being number 7 on the Mo's hardness scale - where talk is 0 and diamond is 10. It will actually scratch glass if you drag your wrist over some glass.
This is a Citizen which charges up from sunlight or any other light. It is always accurate to better than a second because it corrects itself daily using radio signals from Colorado, Germany or Japan depending where it is.
I am still jet lagged - slept like a log until midnight and then cat-napped for 5 hours - finally giving up and swimming a mile.
So many nice things to say about my stay in Bicester - with my other fantastic daughter-in-law. I am reading her latest book recommendation - The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox by Maggie O'Farrel. Superb writing - about someone locked away for 62 years in a mental institution. No it's not tragic really - I will "do a William" and send it to anybody who wants it.
I have already shown you pictures of the fun I had with Ben, Tim and KP. - I have lots more if you want them!